Stephen L. Huntoon
Steve Huntoon is a former President of the Energy Bar Association, the bar organization of more than two thousand energy attorneys and professionals.
Over more than 30 years practicing energy regulatory law, Steve has advised and represented leading energy companies, including Dynegy, Exelon and NextEra. His experience includes one of the largest NERC reliability standard investigations, a $10 million generation interconnection dispute, PJM and New England capacity markets, development and interconnection of wind projects, development of RTOs and organized markets, industry restructurings, LNG regulation, and retail choice.
Steve understands energy regulation and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. He has published industry papers, spoken before industry organizations such as the Harvard Electricity Policy Group, and testified before federal and state regulatory bodies.
Steve brings a unique business perspective to energy law practice, having conceived and developed to commercial viability the first coastal wind project in the eastern U.S., the Jersey-Atlantic Wind Project in Atlantic City, New Jersey. He also was part of the leadership teams at PECO Energy and Conectiv that launched these companies’ retail energy marketing units, with innovations in renewable energy products and other firsts.

What's New
- January 01, 1970