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Steve Huntoon has more than 30 years’ experience in energy regulation, including many cutting-edge developments:

  • One of the largest NERC reliability standard investigations since enactment of mandatory standards.
  • $10 million generation interconnection dispute.
  • Development, implementation and defense of PJM and New England capacity markets.
  • Interlocking position compliance for dozens of individuals involving thousands of positions.
  • First coastal wind project in the eastern U.S. (Atlantic City, NJ).
  • First commercial wind project in the eastern U.S. (Hazelton, PA).
  • Reliability standard policy development with major trade association.
  • Development of RTOs and organized markets throughout the U.S.
  • Start-up of retail electric marketer (PA).
  • Start-up of retail gas marketer (MD and NJ).
  • Regulation of LNG facilities.
  • Restructuring of electric and gas utilities in the mid-Atlantic region.
  • Restructuring of pipeline industry under FERC Order 636.
  • Restructuring of electric utility industry under FERC Order 888.
  • Defense of natural gas pipeline in take-or-pay proceedings.
  • Federal cost allocation of nuclear power plant.